Helping Our Peninsula's Environment |
Coastal Commission Appeal of Monterey County's Admittedly Illegal Approval of the Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project by HOPE |
"The monstrous contempt of ...Clint Eastwood & Peter Ueberroth ... to widely, deeply and systematically undermine our Coastal Act and its protection for our internationally cherished, imperiled, irreplaceable and unique natural phenomena - our Peninsula's magnificent dark green cloak - the Monterey pine forest ecosystem."
Reasons for Appeal -
- The monstrous contempt of the applicant, Clint Eastwood & Peter Ueberroth of Pebble Beach Company, to widely, deeply and systematically undermine our Coastal Act and the protection it provides for our internationally cherished, imperiled, irreplaceable and unique natural phenomena - our Peninsula's magnificent dark green cloak - the Monterey pine forest ecosystem.
- Failure, and refusal, to recognize
ESHA for numerous imperiled species listed and protected by the federal Endangered Species Act (including Mark Twain's Celebrated California Red-Legged Frog (Rana aurora draytonii)) Yadon's Rein Orchid (Piperia Yadonii) and Gowen Cypress (Cupressus govenia ssp. Govenia)).
- Failure to avoid or protect that ESHA which violates the certified LCP, LUP, CIP and our Coastal Act.
- Admitted violations
of the Commission's 1985 Spanish Bay CDP - impermissible removal of habitat permanent protection, protected as mitigation for a project approved 20 years ago; admitted wholesale violations of forest restoration requirements and associated recorded conservation easements.
- Other admitted violations the certified LCP (See Draft and Final EIR)
- Failure to recognize and avoid ESHA of wetlands,
a unique Vernal Pool in Monterey Pine Forest, and Dune habitat.
Entire Appeal (PDF)
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This Page Last Updated March 18, 2005
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