Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


Coastal Commission Appeal of Monterey County's Admittedly Illegal Approval of the Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project by HOPE


"The monstrous contempt of ...Clint Eastwood & Peter Ueberroth ... to widely, deeply and systematically undermine our Coastal Act and its protection for our internationally cherished, imperiled, irreplaceable and unique natural phenomena - our Peninsula's magnificent dark green cloak - the Monterey pine forest ecosystem."


Reasons for Appeal -

  1. The monstrous contempt of the applicant, Clint Eastwood & Peter Ueberroth of Pebble Beach Company, to widely, deeply and systematically undermine our Coastal Act and the protection it provides for our internationally cherished, imperiled, irreplaceable and unique natural phenomena - our Peninsula's magnificent dark green cloak - the Monterey pine forest ecosystem. 
  2. Failure, and refusal, to recognize ESHA for numerous imperiled species listed and protected by the federal Endangered Species Act (including Mark Twain's Celebrated California Red-Legged Frog (Rana aurora draytonii)) Yadon's Rein Orchid (Piperia Yadonii) and Gowen Cypress (Cupressus govenia ssp. Govenia)).  
  3. Failure to avoid or protect that ESHA which violates the certified LCP, LUP, CIP and our Coastal Act. 
  4. Admitted violations of the Commission's 1985 Spanish Bay CDP - impermissible removal of habitat permanent protection, protected as mitigation for a project approved 20 years ago; admitted wholesale violations of forest restoration requirements and associated recorded conservation easements. 
  5. Other admitted violations the certified LCP (See Draft and Final EIR)
  6. Failure to recognize and avoid ESHA of wetlands, a unique Vernal Pool in Monterey Pine Forest, and Dune habitat.

Entire Appeal (PDF)


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This Page Last Updated March 18, 2005
