Helping Our Peninsula's Environment
Project - Preserving Monterey Pine Forest Ecosystems
Overview & What To Do

Monterey Pine Forest Imperiled Status, and Conservation Plan)

Monterey Pine Forest Imperiled Status, and Conservation Plan (pdf)

Maps & Photographs
Native Monterey pine forest were declared endangered by the United Nations in 1986 before we even knew of the Pine Pitch Canker threat, yet inland of Highway 1 (outside the Coastal Zone) they remain wholly unprotected!

Model Monterey Pine Protection Ordinance

"I Think That I Shall Never See, A Poem Lovely as a Tree." by Joyce Kilmer

"Magical, Misty, Monterey Pine Forest" by Vienna Merritt-Moore

Monterey Pine Forest Ecosystem Walks

Fire - Exposing the Myth that Monterey Pine Forests Need Burning for Their Health Supportive Letters
Pine Pitch Canker References / WebSites


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This Page Last Updated May 21, 2008