Helping Our Peninsula's
Status of Native Monterey
Pine (Pinus radiata) Ecosystems, and
The First Monterey Pine Forest
Ecosystem Conservation Plan
(c) Copyright 1995 - 2004 David Dilworth
Updated July 1, 1999 & Feb - May 2004
Present Distribution
Present distribution of native Monterey pine (Pinus radiata)
populations is limited to approximately 9,000 - 11,000 acres in three (3)
locations on the Pacific Coast of North America. There are only three small
remaining California locations. By far the largest is in its namesake -
Monterey. The other populations are at Ano Nuevo (north of Santa Cruz),
Cambria (north of San Luis Obisbo). In 1908 the tree species inhabited
two California islands, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz, but those are apparently
now extirpated.
Two tiny populations of a 2-needle variant occur on Mexican islands
- Cedros and Guadalupe off the coast of Baja California.
Radiata does not typically occur naturally more than about 7 miles from
the Pacific coast or more than about 300 meters (1,000 feet) above sea
level. The generally accepted explanation is the inland and altitude reach
of summer fog - which can drip more than a half an inch of water per week..
The only places Monterey pine is found growing naturally above 800 feet
ASL is where sea breezes ascend a coastal ridge causing fog to form.
Planted Trees
Monterey pine or Pinus radiata grows worldwide on a minimum of 7 million
planted acres of tree farms. This amount grows almost entirely in Chile,
New Zealand, Australia, Spain and South Africa. Radiata at present takes
up about 3% of the international trade in wood and wood products, and that
is likely to double in the middle distant future. It is the leading exotic
plantation species in New Zealand, Spain, Chile, and Australia. It is of
lesser but still significant importance in S. Africa, Kenya, Argentina
and Uruguay. Except for Christmas trees it is almost unknown as a farmed
species in the U.S. Radiata is widely planted in temperate climates as
an attractive, fast growing tree.
Radiata grown in tree farms are almost without exception hybrids, in
most cases extreme hybrid clones originating from a single tree. In these
tree farms all three types of diversity - genetic, species and community
diversity is measurable and essentially non-existent.
The remainder of this article discusses only native radiata forest
ecosystem habitat.
Native Populations
The native population of Monterey pine and its habitat is
a very different story. All three types of diversity - genetic, species
and community diversity in these native forest ecosystems is very rich
in all three measures. This rare forest supports some 19 other officially
imperiled plant species.
An analogy of the importance of native forest as opposed to a tree farm
is described by Monterey Herald Columnist Bruce Cowan "In recent decades
disease hit the domesticated tomato and corn crops in the U.S. and threatened
to devastate our agriculture. Fortunately, wild tomato plants still existed
in Peru, and the wild ancestor of corn in Mexico. Genes were found in these
wild populations that proved resistant to the diseases."
Monterey Peninsula (Monterey County 4500 - 6900 acres)
Jeffers Forest (~450 acres) is possibly the largest native Monterey
pine forest in "good" health with the least contamination by hybrids. The
Jacks Peak Park area has large core area stands surrounding it, but is
known to have been genetically contaminated by extensive plantings of hybrid
radiata on its tallest central ridge in the 1950's and 1960's.
Cambria (San Luis Obisbo County ~2300 acres)
None of the stands in Cambria are rated any better than "Fair" health
by a forester. They are under severe stress with a high incidence of dwarf
mistletoe, gall rust and have extensive infestations of bark beetle, and
as of 2004 pitch canker.
Ano Nuevo (Santa Cruz County ~1500 acres)
Ano Nuevo has been logged in the past and has some hybrid contamination.
Those areas with genetic contamination are the healthy stands. The uncontaminated
native stands with the exception of two stands totaling 44 acres, are not
rated any better than "Fair" health by a forester.
Mexican Islands (Mexico ~450 acres)
The population on Guadalupe Island may have been lost. It had
been rapidly declining and only 45 trees and no seedlings existed the last
time a census was taken in 1988.
The pines on Cedros Island appear to have a stable population but
"have been considered more closely related to the Bishop pine."
3. Changes in Historic Distribution
One estimate suggests that in 1850, the total worldwide occupied habitat
for Monterey pine was around 16,000 healthy, genetically diverse acres.
4. Healthy Remaining Habitat
There is a significant difference between ecological health and
health of a forest for timber purposes. Unfortunately, the only fairly
complete native Monterey pine forest survey was done be a forester - who
is not trained in forest ecology. His data had errors obvious even to a
lay person.
As of 2004, less than 2,500 acres are in good "lumber" health (as
determined by the Pebble Beach Company paid forester - not an ecologist).
When considering stands of good ecological health (especially biodiversity)
there are possibly only as few as 600 total acres of native Monterey pine
forest remaining in good ecological health.
Extinction Threats - Historical and Present
Native Monterey pine ecosystems have been greatly lost to development,
remain threatened by further cumulative development, overreliance on impermanent
protection, invasive disease, genetic diversity loss from hybrid tree planting
and active mismanagement by introduction of non-natural fires.
1. Historical Development
Since roughly the beginning of western human settlement in about 1850,
development, by far, has been the main reason for the loss and fragmentation
of radiata habitat area. The development of the cities of Pacific Grove,
Monterey and Carmel and the unincorporated Pebble Beach area have destroyed
more Monterey pine forest than all other threats combined. This has led
to the decline in health for the majority of the remaining stands.
2. Proposed and Future Development
Of the six remaining stands recognized as high quality native radiata
forest, the largest in best health (Jeffers Forest owned by Pebble Beach
Company) remains under immediate threat of development. As of April 2004
there is an active application to convert it into a golf course and mansions.
The largest stand (Aguajito Property also owned by Pebble Beach Company)
has plans drawn up for development in the next decade.
3. Impermanent Protection - Permanent - Isn't.
Potential Loss of Areas Mistakenly Considered Protected. When Huffman
(Pebble Beach Company Consultant) reports "the 25 natural and urban forest
stands that are permanently protected within the County..." they define
permanent far too strongly.
County Parks aren't Permanent.
The largest "permanently protected" stand described referred to by the
report is Jacks Peak (630 acres) owned by Monterey County Parks. This is
the very same agency which proposed in Nov 1994 to sell off a nearby "permanently
protected" park near Mount Toro to build a golf course. Public outrage
caused this proposal to be withdrawn.
California State Parks aren't Permanent
The third largest area Huffman described as "permanently protected"
is Pt Lobos, sometimes referred to as the "Crown Jewel" in the California
State Park system. Nevertheless during the California budget problems of
1991 the State seriously considered selling several state parks.
Federal Wilderness areas may be the strongest and longest lasting
protection by designation of governmental agency, but still isn't necessarily
permanent. A land swap of federal wilderness occurred in Carmel Valley
- only some 6 miles from native radiata forests. This was intended to allow
a for-profit dam to be built on land that is currently designated wilderness.
Deed Restrictions Can be Removed - Reversion Clauses Cannot.
Since Pebble Beach Company Land Use Lawyer Anthony Lombardo admits
(brags) that he "removes deed restrictions all the time." The only method
which appears permanently legally solid is a deed reversion clause.
4. Disease
Monterey pines are harmed and killed be a wide variety of native and
invasive pests including the red turpentine beetles, dwarf mistletoe and
western gall rust. None of these poses a catastrophic threat. The largest
current disease threat is a fungus called Pitch Canker.
Pitch Canker Fungus (Fusarium subglutanins f. sp. Pini, or Fusarium
The fungus was common in the southeastern United States previous to
1986. It was first detected in California and in pinus Radiata (Monterey
pine) in 1986. In 1992 Carmel began a survey of infected trees, finding
only one. By November 1993, 132 infected trees were found which began to
awaken governmental and public concern. By 1996 the number of infected
trees in Carmel had risen to 586.
In certain observational plots, up to 85% of the Monterey Pine trees
have become symptomatic. That is not to say the other 15 percent won't
get the disease. Trees can have the disease at a cellular level without
exhibiting human scale symptoms.
Mortality vs. Symptoms
In 1986 there was little data on the percent of symptomatic trees that
die from the disease. Some symptomatic Monterey Pine trees have survived
eight (8) years, others have died within two (2) years. While it may take
up to a decade for the tree to die exclusively from the disease, trees
weakened by fusarium are then susceptible to quick death from attack by
bark beetles. As of 2004 some recent research estimates mortality up to
Susceptibility v. Resistance
There is some evidence that new growth has a higher rate of infection
than mature tissue. Young trees appear to have a higher number of infections
than mature trees. Planted trees seem to have a very high rate of infection.
Trees in high humidity (near the ocean) seem to have higher rate of infection
than trees in lower humidity (farther from ocean or higher in altitude).
Trees in deep core areas of a natural Monterey pine forest - away from
human impacts appear significantly less affected than trees standing alone
or those more exposed to human impacts by edge
5. Genetic Bottlenecks by Hybrids
Native forests lose genetic diversity when crowded out by Monterey
pine hybrids and clones which are planted extensively worldwide. Monterey
pine hybrids are known to have been widely planted on Jack's Peak Park's
western ridge in Monterey and at Ano' Nuevo. Some local residents claim
that much of Point Lobos State park was planted prior to the 1960s.
6. Active Mis-management with Artificial Fires
Even though there is zero direct evidence of Monterey pine
forest ecosystems requiring fire for ecological health, some, presumably
well intentioned, people have advocated and recently even started fires
in the few remaining native Monterey pine forest ecosystems.
Forest fires, of course, can easily get out of control and do widespread
ecosystem and property damage. Worse, developers and loggers are known
to have claimed "the burned forest is ruined, so let us log or develop
Imperiled Status
1. International
1986, before Pine Pitch Canker was found in California, the United Nations
Department of Food and Agriculture, which analyzes and sets international
policy for forest protection and sustainability, recognized the situation
on a global scale and declared Monterey pine an Endangered Species.
2. National - United States
In 1988(?) US-Fish & Wildlife Service added Monterey Pine (Pinus
radiata) as a Federal Category 2 Candidate for Endangered Species Act protection
where existing information indicates it may warrant listing.
3. National - New Zealand
In 1994 New Zealand's Minister of Forestry, John Falloon, wrote an
official letter to Monterey County expressing serious concern about the
potential loss of genetic diversity in native Monterey pine forests.
4. State of California
ESHA: The California Coastal Commission considers native
Monterey pine forest ecosystems "Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area"
which some consider more substantial protection than provided by endangered
species laws. In 1984 they considered the loss of only nine acres a "substantial
long-term impact."
In 1993 the California Department of Fish and Game put Monterey
pine on its "Special plants list."
Sensitive: In 1999 the Monterey County General Plan Update staff
considered Monterey pine a "Sensitive Resource" when they list it first,
ahead of the live Oak, in the Slide show presentation - which is on their
Web Site.
5. Non-Governmental Expert Imperilment Opinions
Rare: The Jepson Manual, a catalog of books considered the
definitive encyclopedia for California plants and trees, states that Monterey
pine is "rare."
Endangered: In 1994 without knowing of the United Nation's declaration,
the legislatively recognized California Native Plant Society strengthened
its concern of Monterey Pine by rating it "1B". Their only stronger
rating is "1A" which means extinct - gone forever - like the Mammoth.
Endangered: The April 6, 1994 Draft Environmental Impact Report
for the Pebble Beach Lot program expressed concern that the project could
cause "endangerment to the Monterey pine species itself."
Monterey Pine Imperiled before Pine Pitch Canker - remains Imperiled
even if Pine Pitch Canker were zero threat - which it is not.
Pebble Beach Company has paid biologists (notably not ecologists) to
claim that Monterey pine forests' imperilment is overstated. In 2004 Zander
claimed that because the pitch canker threat is not as large as it was
once estimated, that Monterey pines are now safe.
This claim's fatal flaw is that all the respected agencies and experts
found Monterey pine to be imperiled prior to 1994, before the threat
of pitch canker emerged. In April 1994 the Pebble Beach Company Lot
Program Draft EIR even stated "It is too early to evaluate the effects
of this pathogen ..."
Note 1. Pebble
Beach Company (PBC) has bitterly fought all governmental protection for
imperiled species on their property including the California ESA Listing
for Monterey pine and the Federal ESA Listing of Yadon's Rein Orchid.
The only so-called "experts" who have disputed the imperiled status
of the Monterey Pine Forest ecosystems are those directly paid by PBC (Hoffman,
Zander) or their research projects are directly funded by PBC (Storer and
Wood). Huffman's conclusions are easily and entirely refuted and none
of Pebble Beach Company consultants are trained Forest Ecologists. |
State, Federal and International Agency Plans
and Actions
1. Agency Plans
There are no known management plans from state or federal agencies.
The Management Plan at the end of the review is the first Monterey
Pine Forest Ecosystem Conservation Plan
2. Federal & State Protection Actions.
None. Other than research there are no state or federal protection
efforts. There is no native radiata on any federal property including BLM
land, Wilderness areas or U.S. National Forest land. California's Point
Lobos State Park contains somewhat less than 400 acres. Unfortunately there
is some evidence that this population was heavily planted with hybrid (genetically
uniform or contaminated) seed by the U.S. military during World War II.
3. Research
There are dozens of studies on radiata. There is current genetic
research to identify a radiata strain that would be resistant to the Pitch
However even if successful, a resistant clone or strain can never
replace, supplant or recreate the existing natural radiata forest ecosystems'
genetic diversity or genetic adaptability.
Protection Needed
1. The population dynamics of Monterey pine remain mostly unknown.
No one knows exactly how much Monterey pine forest ecosystem habitat
must be protected from development to ensure its permanent healthy self-sustainable
survival. We do know the central principles of Conservation Biology.
For a natural habitat to be self-sustaining these rules apply:
Bigger areas are better,
Untouched habitat is better than human managed habitat,
A single large habitat is better than several small ones of same total
Connected habitat is better than fragmented habitat,
Large native animals are better than none.
Overprotection is far safer than underprotection.
Overprotection can be easily reversed, underprotection often cannot
be reversed at all. Even when underprotection can be reversed it is often
magnitudes more expensive than if the original natural phenomena was purchased
for protection outright.
2. Turning these principles into quantitative values -
We also know the smallest native Monterey pine forest stand found
to be in at least "Good" health (by a forester - not an ecologist) is a
36 acre parcel which is a subset of a 56 acre stand. This stand is surrounded
by recent development so it can not yet be concluded that a 56 acre stand
can remain perpetually healthy and self-sustaining.
The next smallest healthy stand is some 105 acres. This stand has had
less development induced fragmentation and edge effects. However, a highly
traveled road was paved through it in 1985. As of 2004 the forest is suffering
from the impacts of vehicles, dog walkers and children. Sustainability
cannot be insured for this 105 acre area if any significant population
dynamic "cycle" exceeds 100 or even 20 years, which is highly likely since
the lifespan of the dominant species is 80 - 180 years. If so, larger areas
with more insulation from man-made impacts may be needed. Notably, this
105 acre stand has had very low seedling regeneration for the past 20-25
Losing just nine acres of native Monterey pine forest is a Substantial
... Long-Term impact
In 1984 The California Coastal Commission recognized how important
just a few acres of native Monterey Pine ecosystem are to its protection
and recovery. "The approximately 9 acres of native Monterey pine
forest to be cleared for the golf course represents a substantial long-term
impact." - Spanish Bay Project Final approval 1984 pg 25.
3. Summary
So - all native Monterey pine forest stands of 36 acres or more should
be permanently protected, and
No more than nine acres should be cumulatively removed.
Conservative caution requires us to not cumulatively lose even one more
acre of native Monterey pine forest ecosystem.
This means we must protect --
All remaining Native Monterey pine forest ecosystem habitat.
The highest priorities should be the forests with the largest diameter
core areas, the largest areas farthest from edge effects - Jeffers Forest
in Pebble Beach and the areas surrounding Jack's Peak.
Next in priority are those other areas described in the otherwise discredited
Huffman (PBC Consultant) Report as: "Remaining native Radiata habitat
in Good Health."
Preserving these areas will allow the best defense to combat both loss
of habitat from development and retain maximum genetic diversity for resisting
the current threat from Pitch Canker, and future attacks by other diseases.
Additionally, it would be wise to similarly protect those adjacent areas
of the next highest heath rating, "Fair." Contiguousness provides a buffer
from man-made insults and insurance where we have underestimated either
the threats or overestimated our conservation acts.
Legal Mechanisms to Protect -
Downzoning - All Native Monterey Pine Forest must be rezoned as permanent
Conservation land.
Reversion Clause in Deed Restriction - This would return ownership to a
different person, agency or non-profit entity anytime the current owner
either made an application for development or cumulatively damaged any
ecosystem values. This is used extensively by the Pebble Beach Company.
-end |
Feedback - Info(at)
831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel,
CA 93921

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