Bringing You HOPE
Helping Our Peninsula's Environment
The group which stopped "Dirty
Harry" and "The Terminator."
Clint Eastwood tried to destroy
thousands of trees in an imperiled forest for a golf course and
Gov Schwarzenegger aerially
sprayed our Monterey Bay cities with secret untested pesticides.
HOPE lead both winning battles.
Founded in 1998, due
to overwhelming public support, HOPE is known
for, and dedicated to, protecting our natural environment
and providing genuine democracy
on California's Greater Monterey Peninsula by providing world class
vision, advocacy, and public education in environmental science and law,
and public participation.
HOPE works on many dozens of issues a year
and wins at least half of them (107 wins in 2000).
(HOPE website in Espanol,
State of Our Peninsula's
Environment 2013
News -
New Web-Log (Blog)
Water: Right-Sized Solution
Aerial Pesticide Spraying of Cities,
Local, National , Weather
& HOPE in News
Action -
One-Minute Activist
Current Projects & Positions
Comment Deadlines
Calendars & Meetings
What's New on this Website
Letters to HOPE's Editor & Censored Media |
References -
Contact info for Government, Media, etc.Maps & Pictures
Science - Environment
(Animal Pictures) & Democracy
Laws - Environment
and Democracy
FAQs, Glossary & How-Tos |
HOPE'S Projects -
Education & Ecosystem
HOPE Projects |
HOPE Itself -
Successes & History
and Expertise
Organization (Mission, Volunteer, Join, Donate) |
HOPE participates in more governmental meetings
than any other Monterey County non-profit.
HOPE’s website shows up as number 1 in many Google
Searches and is Monterey County’s largest environment and democracy website
with more than 350 pages.
Feedback -
831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921

All contents of this website including
the design, which are not otherwise copyrighted, are © Copyright 2001-2011
Helping Our Peninsula's Environment (except for legal and scientific citations,
offsite links or writings by specific authors). All rights are reserved
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(You are reading our Home
page which was last updated Jan 15, 2011.
There are at least 390 more pages on this site, many of which may be more recently updated.)