Helping Our Peninsula's Environment
HOPE in the, and making, News
  1. Aerial Spraying - What's Next? with Assemblyman Sandre Swanson, Amy Allison, KPFA, June 20, 2008 
  2. Aerial Pesticide Spraying Program Cancelled, AP / International Herald Tribune, Garance Burke, June 19, 2008 (hundreds of papers, TV and Websites reported this including LA Times, Chicago Times, NY Times)
  3. Aerial Spraying Stopped, NPR, June 19, 2008
  4. HOPE Wins Lawsuit Stopping Aerial Untested Pesticide Spraying of Cities, San Jose Mercury, Julia Reynolds May 13, 2008 (Dozens and dozens of stories on Aerial Spraying issue quoting and mentioning HOPE. even the Pine Cone reported on our victory and mentioned HOPE. The first story on our victory was reported by Dawn Withers in the Salinas Californian.)
  1. Weapons of Moth Destruction, Environmental Science and Tevhnology, Rebecca Renner, Dec. 5.  2007 
  2. Pebble Beach Fixes Botch in Fire Code - Proposed Ordinance would Require Removing All Trees in Del Monte Forest, Dec.  6, 2007
  3. "What’s Monterey County Breathing?" LA Times Editorial, Oct 19, 2007
  4. HOPE Win: "Judge orders moth spraying halted. Question of whether ingredient dangerous" Herald, Julia Reynolds and Daniel Lopez, Oct 10, 2007
  5. HOPE Files CEQA Lawsuit to Halt Aerial Pesticide Spraying of Peninsula Communities "Sex Smells", Monterey County Weekly, Kera Abraham, Sept 27, 2007 
  6. Huge Open Meeting Law Violation organized by Congressman Farr, Herald, Larry Parsons, Aug 16, 2007
  7. Supervisor Potter Snubs Girl Scouts, Pine Cone
  8. "Fort Ord Burning Opponents demand an independent review of the Army’s latest planned burns." Weekly, Zachary Stahl, July 19, 2007
  9. Fort Ord Burning Makes Hazardous Smoke, Monterey County Weekly, Aug 2007
  10. Pebble Beach only Gets 41 Mansions, County Weekly, Letter to Editor, July 26, 2007
  11. "Critical Habitat Review Applauded" Herald, Larry Parsons, July 24, 2007
  12. Monterey City Lied to Coastal Commission (Letter overstates City’s Position" Herald, Dania Akkad, July 15, 2007
  13. Higher Fences to Keep E-Coli at Bay, KION-TV
  14. Squid Fry, Weekly, Jun 28, 2007 
  15. Five supportive letters to editor (May Waldroup, Susan Goldbeck, , Pine Cone, June 22, 2007
  16. Pine Cone refuses to publish HOPE’s Letter with Corrections.
  17. "The Dilworth Phenomena", Carmel Pine Cone, Paul Miller Editorial, June 15, 2007
  18. * Pebble Beach Plan Rejected by Coastal Commission, June 14, 2007
  19. Environmentalists oppose Eastwood’s planned golf course" AP (and many other papers), June 13, 2007
  20. HOPE sues Monterey County to Protect Monterey pine forest and red-legged frogs threatened by September Ranch project in Carmel Valley, Herald, Jan 19, 2007
  21. HOPE sues Monterey County to Protect Monterey pine forest and red-legged frogs threatened by September Ranch project in Carmel Valley, KSBW, Jan 18, 2007




  23. (Pebble Beach Company) Project Permits Rescinded, Eastwood Lampooned, Herald, Jim Johnson, Dec 6, 2006
  24. Pebble Beach Plan to Start Over, KSBW, Felix Cortez, Dec 5, 2006
  25. "HOPE on TV" Letters to Editor, Darby Worth, Weekly, Nov 30, 2006
  26. "County General Plan" KION/KCBA/ClearChannel, Brian Speciale, Nov 16th, 2006
  27. "48 Trees get the axe in PG", Herald, Dania Akkad, Nov 16, 2006
  28. "Where's the Water?" (A news report highly biased in favor of Cal-Am and their Moss Landing Project, omitting the Water District's "right-sized" desal.), KION/KCBA/ClearChannel, Brian Speciale, Nov 13th & 14th, 2006
  29. * Cal-Am Ignores the One Water Solution that Fits, David Dilworth, Coast Weekly, Sept 28, 2006 
  30. HOPE's Recent Successes, KRXA 540 AM, Hal Ginsberg & Coach, Sept 19,2006
  31. * Minimizing money's power, Herald Editorial, Royal Calkins Sept 9, 2006
  32. * Enviros Win One, Monterey County Weekly, Ryan Masters Sept 7, 2006
  33. * Pacific Grove Council Adopts Campaign Finance and Conflict of Financial Interest Reform; HOPE Plays vital role. Herald, Andre Briscoe, Sept 8, 2006
  34. * Judge Strikes Down Pesticide Usage Rule, HOPE wins huge federal Lawsuit, New York Times, August 24, 2006 (plus different reports in the Los Angeles Times and 61 other newspapers, plus ABC-TV, CBS-TV, and even Fox-TV, ... but not the Monterey Herald, the Pine Cone or KSBW. So apparently it didn't happen in their world...)
  35. * P.G. council on right track with ordinance despite protests, Herald Editorial, Royal Calkins August 13, 2006
  36. Pacific Grove Appoints Dan Davis to Council, HOPE Executive Director Dilworth's role in PG Campaign Finance Reform reported. Coast Weekly, Ryan Masters, July 27, 2006
  37. * Campaign Finance and Conflict of Financial Interest reform is good "P.G. campaign reform effort welcome", Herald Editorial, Royal Calkins July 25, 2006
  38. Pacific Grove Council moves forward with Campaign Finance and Conflict of Financial Interest reform. Herald, Andre Briscoe, July 2006
  39. Supervisors vote for a "fig leaf" to cover up violating Open Meeting law, Larry Parsons, Herald, July 19, 2006
  40. Supervisors Open Meeting Violation remedy – vote to cancel a hearing that took place a month ago. Herald, July 18, 2006
  41. "Cal-AM should be penalized for their outrageously greedy demand for a cart-before-the-horse rate increase." (HOPE's David Dilworth), KSBW-TV, Linling Lam, July 17, 2006
  42. HOPE Demands County Supervisors Rescind their Decision and Letter Withdrawing Measure A from the Coastal Commission, Larry Parsons, Herald July 12, 2006
  43. Pacific Grove City Manager releases new Public Record Access guidelines, June 30, 2006
  44. * Coastal Commission should Deny (Pebble Beach Company) Plan, Herald Editorial, Royal Calkins, June 13, 2006
  45. Pebble Beach Zoning Hearing Canceled by Coastal Commission, June 15, 2006 
  46. Marine Protected Area Proposals, Herald, Virginia Hennessey, Dec 12, 2005
  47. Organizations making a Difference, Forest Voice, Fall 2005
  48. Watershed Hero Award for Education 2005, Rising Leaf Watershed Arts, Watershed Festival, October 8, 2005, Paola Berthoin
  49. Prohibiting Political-Financial Conflicts of Interest in Campaign Contributions, HOPE's David Dilworth, Reform Institute's Cecelia Martinez, Clean Money Campaign's Susan Lerner, Santa Cruz City Councilman Ryan Coonerty; Moderator Deanna Zachary, KUSP 88.9 August 9, 2005 (Direct to Playing Show)
  50. Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Debate - PBC Spokesman Alan Williams vs HOPE's David Dilworth; and for legal background (the Coastal Commission's) Charles Lester, and for immoral background Monterey County's Planning Department Scott Hennessey, Jeff Main and Thom McCue. Moderator Deanna Zachary, KUSP 88.9 July 5, 2005(Direct to Playing Show)
  51. 10th Anniversary of 95-10 - Monterey Peninsula Overpumping Water Ruling, Virginia Hennessey, Herald, July 3, 2005
  52. "[Pebble Beach Company] Forest [Destruction] Plan Hit by Appeals", Kevin Howe, Herald, June 30, 2005
  53. California's Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Coastal Commission's Authority, Karen Ravn, Herald, June 24, 2005
  54. "Forest Shark" (who else) - Clint Eastwood, by Pascal Riche, Liberation (National French Daily Newspaper) June 20, 2005 (Translation)
  55. Eastwood to Dilworth - "All you're doing is talking, but you're not planting anything. Get in there and plant something." Karen Ravn, Herald, front page, May 25, 2005 (also in Kansas City Star May 26, 2005)
  56. "HOPE speaks for our community", Pine Cone Letter to Editor, David Dilworth, HOPE's Executive Director, May 20, 2005
  57. Council Highlights, HOPE Opposes PG Bureaucrats Proposal Gutting General Plan to Allow a Holman Highway Climbing Lane, PG Bulletin, May 18, 2005 (Warning - Large PDF file)
  58. British take on plans for Pebble, Prof Toro, Herald, Apr 23, 2005
  59. Monterey Pine Forest: The golf, the bad and the ugly, Andrew Gumbel, April 22, 2005, UK Independent (Also in Irish Independent, May 18, 2005)
  60. Pine Cone still furious, falsely claims "Dilworth doesn’t represent a group. He just represents himself" against Clint's Pebble Breach Company Forest Destruction project, Pine Cone, Paul Miller, April 29, 2005.
  61. Your General Plan is Your Vision of Your Community, HOPE Talk with Carmel Valley Women's Network, AMP Channel 24, Vienna Merritt-Moore, April 20, 2005
  62. Water District Directors Edwards & Markey want a public vote on buying our Peninsula Water System to make it Publicly owned, Herald, Virgina Hennessey, April 19, 2005.
  63. Pine Cone Furious that Media is "fawning" over HOPE's lawsuit against Clint's Pebble Breach Company Forest Destruction project, Pine Cone, Paul Miller, April 15, 2005.
  64. Clint's Pebble Beach Co. Forest Destruction Project Forces Lawsuit, Herald, Larry Parsons, April 14, 2005 (also in Sacramento Bee)
  65. Clint's Forest Destruction Project Forces Lawsuit, KSBW, Ann McGrath, April 13, 2005
  66. Eastwood's Golf Course Threatens Monterey Pines, NPR Morning Edition, John McChesney, April 5, 2005
  67. Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project - San Jose Mercury, Ken McLaughlin, Mar 25, 2005 
  68. Pacific Grove Council Retreat - Monterey County Weekly, Ryan Masters, Mar 17, 2005 
  69. Monterey County General Plan - Its Your Vision, HOPE debates Landwatch on Growth, Access Monterey Peninsula TV (Green Party Program), Richard Bailey & Hebard Olson, March 9, 2005
  70. Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project Approval "Slow-Motion Ecological Train Wreck", KION TV 46, Mar 16, 2005 
  71. Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project Approval "Slow-Motion Ecological Train Wreck", LA Times, Irwin Speizer, Mar 15, 2005 
  72. Failed Ft Ord Cleanup - NPR California Report (Radio), Mar 15, 2005 
  73. Ft Ord Beach Dream Unfulfilled, San Jose Mercury, Paul Rogers, Feb 21, 2005
  74. Monterey County General Plan "Both under fire...", Herald, Larry Parsons, Feb 24, 2005 
  75. Peter Ueberroth Wins Whopper Award - Herald, Prof. Toro, Feb 19th, 2005 
2004 (Partial list)

HOPE, NRDC, EarthJustice & others Sue NOAA Fisheries & Fish & Wildlife Service for surrendering their expertise on Endangered Species to a hostile EPA - Associated Press, Seattle Post Intelligencer and dozens of others, Sept 24, 2004.

Imperiled Local Orchid - Pacific Grove Hometown Bulletin, July 21, 04 (website empty Mar 2005)

Pebble Beach Co. Gets to Sell Your Water - Herald, May 28, 04

Water  Board Raising their own Pay - Herald, May 4, 04 

Desalination & Growth - Chicago Times, May 3, 04

Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project - LA Times, Apr 26, 04

Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project - KAZU, Apr 15?, 04 

Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project (391 comment pages) - Herald, Apr 5, 04 

Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project (391 comment pages) - Pine Cone, Apr 2, 04

Pebble Beach Forest Destruction Project (Pitch canker & Coastal Commission) - Herald, Mar 19, 04 


2003 (Partial list)

Supervisor Edith Johnsen's $1,000 "Legal" Bribe - Salinas Californian, Oct 14, 03 

Supervisor Edith Johnsen's $1,000 "Legal" Bribe - KSBW, Oct 11, 03 

Supervisor Edith Johnsen's $1,000 "Legal" Bribe - Herald, Oct 11, 03 

Sunshine Laws OpEd - Pacific Grove Hometown Bulletin, Oct, 03 (website empty Mar 2005)

General plan refinement group grows, Monterey County Herald Jul 23, 2003 (Helping Our Peninsula's Environment, or HOPE, had asked to join the group but was refused an invitation.)

2002 (Partial List)

Controlled burn at Fort Ord raises health questions, Herald, Oct 9, 2002




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