Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


Local Environmental and Democracy (Public Participation) Victories in 2002

92 Successes in 2002

(We haven't had time to update the victories columns since May as we are so busy helping achieve successes.)


May 29 Sand City Sterling Center loses Taking suit against Water District.

May 20 Water Board refuses to accept Water report from Monterra / Canada Woods (Clint Eastwood's project) Ranch as complete. Project is now in violation of conditions of approval.

*May 16 PG Planning Comm. Unanimously votes to ask Council to rescind Forest Hill Manor approval and send it back to appropriate Commission.

May 16 PG Planning Comm. sends Archaeological Guidelines back (for second time) to get Sensitivity map.

*May 12 Herald Editorial telling PG Council to rescind Forest Hill Manor approval and send it back to Planning Commission.

* May 9 The spectacular 10,000 acre Fish Ranch was purchased for a Regional Park - for $37 million with State & Regional Park money.

*May 1 Monterey Traffic Comm. Unanimously votes to recommend removing Traffic light at Franklin & Monroe.

 * May 1 PG Council approves holding a Special meeting on Forest Hill Manor scandal (May 13 at 6:00 pm)


* Water Board Retreats from Growth Alternatives

* Apr 18 PG Plan Comm decided to agendize Forest Hill Manor for their potential review. (It never came in front of them)

* Apr 17 PG Council upheld Plan Comm denial of oversized project in Asilomar dunes.

April 16 Monterey General Plan Comm put public comment first on Agenda - was after their deliberations.

*April 10 Judge Silver agreed to hear Moss Landing Duke BAT Case in Superior Court.

April 3 PG Councilman Dan Davis puts Forest Hill Manor back on Agenda.


* Mar 30 Comm. Prop Owners fail 2 get enough signers to referend (overturn) Water transfer cancellation!

Mar 26 PG ARB Com continues Forest Hill Manor for second time.

Mar 13 Co Plan Com continues Deer Slaughterhouse to do an Initial Study.

Mar 12 PG ARB Com continues Forest Hill Manor for more time 4 public comment.


Feb 28 Water West Ordinance (33) change request for 24 new houses stopped!

Feb 28 Military Exemption Water Credits Stopped

* Feb 28 Water Credits Wholly Stopped!!!

Feb 28 KSBW article on Ft Ord Burning

Feb 23 Water Bd Packet free - after 3 years of asking.

Feb 23 Water Dist changed all web packet info to HTML & Jpg.

Feb 11? Forest Service denies Grazing in Big Sur - CRLF.

Feb 13 Plan Com Continued a RSC house till Water rpt is included.

* Feb 13 Plan Com Directed Staff 2 make urgency law for Monterey Pine (Radiata) Protection in 2 months!

Feb 5 Carmel Council remanded Pine removal back to Plan Com


*Jan 31 Water Board rescinded all Water Transfers!

Jan 31 Water Dist paused Conden 31 af subdivision request.

Jan 31 Water Dist halted Water Demand Study.

Jan 31 Kris Lindstrom elected Water Dist Chair unanimously.

Zan Henson Vice Chair.

Jan 31 VISION Coastal Commission to stop PBC parking ATT cars on Sensitive Habitat near Bird Rock.

*Jan 29 Farr signs onto Zero-Cut Bill!

*Jan 28 IRS Gives us Tax-exempt and tax deductible status.

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