Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


Campaign Finance Reform

The Battle to Eliminate "Legalized Bribery"

"Money is to politics what acid is to cloth - it eats away at the fabric of democracy.

"Democracy doesn’t have to be a commodity that is bought and sold. Most politicians enter politics to do good, not to ask for donations.

"There’s no reason we can’t have a political process in which everyone’s voice can be heard, in which dissent is respected and in which candidates run on the strength of their ideas, not the weight of their wallets."

- Bill Bradley, former US Senator


Local CFR Ordinances

Model Laws

Pacific Grove's New Campaign Finance and Conflict of Financial Interest Ordinance Law

Pacific Grove's Council adopts County's first Campaign Finance and Conflict of Financial Interest Ordinance; May be California's strongest. Sept 6, 2006

None yet exist in Monterey County, but Pacific Grove’s Council gave the first of two needed approvals to a strong ordinance August 16, 2006

Pacific Grove "accepted" (not adopted) Campaign Finance and Conflict of Financial Interest Ordinance proposal by Pacific Grove City Council’s ad hoc committee. July 2006

Carmel Campaign Finance Reform (1993)

A collaborative cross-partisan effort in Carmel failed in 1993 due to Mayor Ken White’s opposition and a last minute reversal of his earlier agreements by single committee member – Robert D’Isidoro.

A Monterey County effort failed due to Supervisor Sam Karas and other Supervisors stacking the County committee with people who didn’t want it to happen.

1. HOPE’s Model Clean Government Decisions Law (2003, Combines the best of Bribery and Campaign Finance Laws)

2. Model CFR Ordinance by Center for Governmental Studies (emphasis on contribution limits and public financing)

3. Monterey Peninsula League of Women Voters Model Ordinance (approved by the Board January 2006)


March 2009 - County Supervisor Dave Potter Hoodwinks Coastal Commission into Scheduling Meeting at Tony Lombardo's Golf Club - while Lombardo Represents a Project on that Agenda



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831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921

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This Page Last Updated March 15, 2009
