Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


HOPE's 1rst Annual

Whopper Award

The Whopper Award is given for the most outrageously false or misleading story to promote or defend development; or a doublespeak claim attempting to hide the harmful aspects of a development project.

One example is Rancho San Carlos' claim that their development legally required to be "clustered" - really meant the opposite - spread-out or as they put it "collandered."

2005 Whopper Award Winner -

Peter Ueberroth Pebble Beach Company Head for insisting that --

"We are Not Developers!"

(Pebble Beach Co. "Stewardship" Bulldozers mowing down Environmentally Sensitive Habitat for 5th gate March 25, 1989)

1rst Runner Up and

"Pants-on-Fire" Award Winner -

David Potter

Monterey Peninsula's County Supervisor and Coastal Commissioner for --

"Staff sent that letter, not the [Coastal] Commission!"

(told to Monterey County Supervisors January 11, 2005)

vs. The letter (about Measure A) was signed by Coastal Commission Chair Meg Caldwell, after public deliberation by Commissioners at their December 2004 meeting.

Other Nominees were --


Tony Lombardo

(Pebble Beach Co. Land Use Attorney) for -

"All Spanish Bay Conditions are Complete and Signed off." (to County Supervisors, Jan 11, 2005)

vs. Dump Trucks still driving in Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas on a Pebble Beach road required to be abandoned in return for the Spanish Bay approval in 1985 - 20 years ago.


Mark Stilwell (Pebble Beach Co. Vice President) for -

There’s no pollution in our stormwater runoff.

"As far as I know, the waters are as pristine as ever." - Feb. 9, 2005 Monterey County Herald

vs. Pebble Beach beaches closed regularly for sewage pollution.

(Monterey County Health Dept closed the Spanish Bay beach "for a few days to a week" beginning on March 22 2000 because of a sewage spill from a broken sewer main. Herald Mar 23 2000

"Contamination shuts Stillwater Cove" Herald headline Apr 6 2000 "High levels of fecal coliform have been found...coming from a storm sewer that drains the famous Pebble Beach Golf Links..."

For 2006 -- Helping Our Peninsula's Environment is offering a $250 first prize in a contest to find the biggest or funniest whoppers told to support development in Monterey County.

Rules --

  • Whopper entries must be not just true - they must be provably true. So document them with paper, audio or video tape, computer disk or other permanent media.
  • "Developer" includes anyone paid by a developer to speak or write in favor of their project including their lawyers, biostitutes, public relations consultants, staff, foresters, environmental consultants, family, or elected officials they have "rented" (given campaign contributions).
  • Whoppers will be judged by a Blue Ribbon Team of DoubleSpeak Judges. Their decision is final.
  • The first entry is ten dollars. Subsequent entries are only charged a $5 fee each.
  • Anyone may enter except Trustees, staff, volunteers, interns, or family members of HOPE or the Judges.
  • Entries may be sent anonymously - in case you are a member of a government agency or just prefer privacy.
  • You may direct your prize to a non-profit whether you enter anonymously or not.
  • Freshest is Best. Whoppers should be newer than 1965, although the Judges can arbitrarily award special prizes if they wish.

Entries must be received by January 15, 2006

at P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921

Call 624-6500 for special arrangements.


Monterey Herald light hearted report on HOPE's Whopper Award

Feedback - Info(at)

831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921

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This Page Last Updated February 23, 2005

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