Helping Our Peninsula's
Toxic Trespass
The Problem with Pesticide Drift
Copyright 2004 Helping Our Peninsula's Environment, by David
Why We Need Pesticide Safety Policies In Our General
Would you be annoyed if you woke up one morning and found someone had sprayed
paint on your home? I would. A law prohibiting that is called Trespass.
Do you think Trespass laws should be weaker?
Pesticide Drift is Toxic Trespass - Children
are Most at Risk
Remember how Bush Grounded Crop Dusters after 9-11 because they recognized
pesticides are potential Weapons of Mass Destruction.
"Chemical Spray may drift, even on a slight breeze, and can kill
nearby plants and insects." (Invasive Exotic Plants in Monterey
County, brochure by Monterey County Planning Dept #293-0274 4/98)
Pesticide is known to regularly drift and do damage at 1 to 2 miles. There
is evidence of at least one instance of a pesticide traveling 50 miles
and harming crops.
Monterey County's top goal for its Agricultural Commissioner's office
in 2001 was education about minimizing pesticide spray drift. Monterey
County 2001-2002 Budget pg 282
Monterey County is Number 1 .
But not in a good way.
County had more agricultural pesticide-related illnesses
any other California County in 2000.
Pesticides are designed and applied to kill living entities
pesticides harm and kill non-target species - including humans.
Some 428 cases of human pesticide poisoning were reported to public officials
in Monterey County during a six year period. Ninety three (93) cases of
human pesticide poisoning were reported in Monterey County in 2000.
In California, about
1,000 cases of acute occupational illnesses linked to agricultural pesticide
exposure are reported annually, and many more cases are never reported.
There are no procedures to record the chronic, long-term health effects
of pesticide exposure such as cancer and birth defects.
Pesticide Dependency
Farmers start using pesticides because banks often require their use
for farm loans, insects become resistant, farmers use stronger pesticides,
insects get more resistant and new insects like the Lettuce Aphid and pea
leafminer show up where pesticides don't work.
Expensive Benefits Overstated: Pesticides cost farmers about
$4 per pound or $190 per acre (and up to $800 per acre); some nine million
pounds of pesticide active ingredients are applied in Monterey County each
year, yet
more U.S. crops are lost to pests,
before and after harvest (~37%) than
before widespread pesticide use arose in the
1940's (~31%).
Informed Consent
Would you be annoyed if a doctor gave you a shot of medicine without
your permission?
More than half of all California pesticide illnesses are caused by Pesticide
Pesticide Drift is non-consensual.
Pesticide Drift is uninformed.
Cutting Pesticide Use in Half can Increase Yields and Farmer's Profits
Alternative Pest control practices could halve the use of chemical pesticides
on 40 major U.S. crops without reducing crop yields.
Indonesia cut pesticide use on rice by 65% and yields increased
by 15%.
Sweden cut pesticide use in half with virtually no decrease in harvest.
U.S. Farmers could raise their average income by about 9% by reducing
their pesticide use by 50% and only raise retail food prices by about
Asking for Your
Do you know someone who died of cancer?
In 1981 the Bruce Church Company stuck its neck out to support a pesticide
field posting law when no one else would. They set an honorable example
of responsible agriculture.
And of course we solicit and welcome your suggestions for improvements.
Thank you
Feedback - Info(at)
831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921

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This Page Last Updated July
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