Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


Letters to the Editor

A genuine Newspaper "Comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable."

Monterey Peninsula's leading papers now have this honorable goal upside down and backwards (not to mention they are filled with "Junk Food News.")

Tabloids (i.e. Sun, National Enquirer) & Website

Fax Number,Email & Editor

Herald, Monterey

This once high quality "Newspaper of record" is now a tabloid in disguise that takes advertising money from the CIA (not kidding). While they do still have a couple of good reporters, they are so biased (desperate for business advertising dollars?) they refuse to write about (City Editor: Joe Livernois) or even allow letters to the editor (Opinion page Editor: Royal Calkins) on vital public interest subjects or facts they don't want the public informed about. That's called political Censorship.

372-3311 (voice)

[email protected]
Royal Caulkins (refuses to meet with HOPE. City Editor Joe Livernois refuses to return calls. Update: Livernoise recently moved to the Pine Cone. That's a prescription for something awful.)
mailto:[email protected]

Monterey County (Coast) Weekly

Best understood as the unofficial voice of the Democratic Party, but with an admittedly smug mean streak. Formerly a credible voice of alternative news the Herald wouldn't cover, this tabloid lost its way and its empathy when Editor Mark Worth was fired in 1999.

It turned superficial (instead of providing details and understanding of the highly complex County General Plan problems they write about the participant's fashions) and now regularly embrace business interests (work closely with PG's Chamber of Commerce) over public interests.

394-5656 (voice)

[email protected]
Tina May (refuses to meet with HOPE)

Newspaper & Website

Fax Number,Email & Editor

Pacific Grove Hometown Bulletin

Xavier and Edie Maruyama sold it to Marge Jameson, who reportedly hasn't made a single payment.

"Carmel" Pine Cone (which has no offices in Carmel)

Run by Paul Miller - Shameless advocate for property rights, anti-environment, and extreme selfishness. Miller's editorials often bitterly attack public interest advocates and defended corporate greed.

To illustrate how bad our local reporting is -- in 2009, the Pine Cone is providing higher quality journalism (not Editorials - which often contradict solidly established fact) than the Herald or the Weekly. Sadly this is no longer difficult. Also broadly censors letters to the editor.

624-0162 (voice)

[email protected]
Paul Miller

Cedar Street Times (Pacific Grove)


[email protected]

Salinas Californian

[email protected]

Watsonville Pajaronian


Santa Cruz Sentinel

(831) 423-4242 (voice)

(831) 429-9620
[email protected]
Tom Honig

Good Times

[email protected]

Santa Cruz Metro


Green Press
Box 2124 Santa Cruz, 95063

[email protected]
Elaine Charkowski & Ed Oberweiser


Box 1715 Soquel, 95073

[email protected]
Phil Gooden

San Jose Mercury
(408) 920-5000

[email protected]

[email protected]

SF Chronicle

[email protected]


Sacramento Bee

[email protected]

LA Times

[email protected]

New York Times

 [email protected]

Wall Street Journal (Palo Alto)


USA Today

[email protected]

HOPE Letters

Contact Major Media

Committee to Protect Journalists

Important US Media (via C-SPAN)

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831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921

This Page Last Updated Apr 2013