Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


HOPE's Monthly Public Meetings

Bringing You HOPE --

Monthly Environmental & Democracy Protection Meetings

HOPE's monthly public meetings for Peninsula environmental and democracy activists to exchange news and information are held the first Tuesday of every month at the Monterey Library, at 7 p.m. 

Meetings are free and open to the public.

  • Our next meeting will feature a short presentation on the serious threat to our imperiled native Monterey Pine Forest and our already overstrained Carmel River - by Pebble Beach Company's proposed golf course and mansion project. 
  • September Ranch Redoux.
  • The Right-Sized Desal - How to Legalize our Peninsula Water.
  • What's "ESHA?" and Why is it so hated by developers? 
  • We will also due to discuss the proposed Monterey County General plan and how it should incorporate a Carrying Capacity and an Informed Consent Pesticide Safety Policy. 
  • Pacific Grove's Arrogant Destruction of 48 trees.

For more information, or to request an item be added to the agenda, call 624-6500 or e mail us at "NextAgenda" at


Feedback - Info(at)

831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921

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