Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


Genetically Modified Food

"In the U.S., an estimated 60% of processed foods in supermarkets - from breakfast foods to soft drinks - contain a [genetically modified] ingredient, especially soy, corn or canola; some fresh vegetables are genetically altered as well." -Scientific American, Margaret Mellon, Union of Concerned Scientists, April 2001

"Gene flow from herbicide-resistant GM crops into the wild is already leading to the creation of herbicide resistant weeds in Canada." Id.

Genetically Modified foods cause allergenecity. Plants have lots of toxins in them. We do not know that consuming GM foods is safe. A risk is that we could accidentally flip a switch to cause either dramatic or subtle intergenerational toxicity.

Genetically Modified crops do cause genetic changes, called "gene flow", into neighbors fields and into the wild.

Farmers in the United States and elsewhere are increasingly worried about the liability for genetic drift, a term used to describe cross-pollination between genetically modified and conventional crops.



Union of Concerned Scientists

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This Page Last Updated November 29, 2002
