Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


Species Protection Laws

"Nothing is more worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed,"
said President Richard M. Nixon as he signed the 1973 Endangered Species Act.

"Nobody made a big deal of them when they were here and nobody really missed them when they were gone. We knew their population was getting down. But, as far as we were concerned, and something I still believe, is that the condor is a dinosaur; its time has come and gone. It's time to put our money somewhere else and move on." - Ed Strohn, owner 9,000 acre Call Mountain Ranch,10 miles East of Pinnacles (Coast Weekly Nov 26, 2003)

California (CESA)

Federal (FESA)

Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) Problems

Natural Community Conservation Planning Act (NCCP) Law

Migratory Bird Treaty Act

California Fully Protected Species (F&GC 4700)

Migratory Bird Protection Laws

Fish & Wildlife Protection (F&GC 1600)

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Complete Fish & Game Code 

Fur Seal Act

California Coastal Act

Salmon & Steelhead Conservation


Bald Eagle Protection Act


National Forest Management Act (NFMA)

Model Imperiled Species Protection and Restoration Law

Federal Land Policy Management Act (FLPMA)

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This Page Last Updated May 22, 2003