Helping Our Peninsula's Environment

Please Donate to Help Protect Our Peninsula's

Environment and Democracy


Helping Our Peninsula's Environment (HOPE) has a tremendous track record of successfully protecting our Peninsula.

HOPE has been called "the group that stopped both 'Dirty Harry' and 'The Terminator,'" and "American's most successful local environmental organization."

HOPE led the 15 year effort to protect the endangered Monterey pine forest from getting bulldozed into yet another Golf Course. It was HOPE's lawsuit that stopped the Aerial spraying of Secret Untested Pesticides over our Peninsula Cities. As of July 3, 2010 - we are the only organization supporting the "Right-Sized" Solution to our Peninsula water problem. HOPE achieves dozens of other protections every year that the media never reports on.

HOPE provides our public interest work free of charge to our community even though it costs the organization considerable time and money to produce it. 

We would like to continue to provide this service free. 

How You can Give

1. Cash, Check or Paypal - easily available below.

2. Bequest - You can name HOPE in your will.

3. Stock - A gift of appreciated Securities can help you avoid Capital Gains Tax AND provide a Tax Deduction !

4. Home or Land - You can give a Home or Real Estate yet continue to live there.

Here's how to donate directly :

You can help by making a tax-deductible contribution (anything you can afford, whether $5 -- $5,000 or $5 million). 

* Please consider giving until it hurts -- then back off 10 percent. 

(That should stop the hurt and provide you satisfaction with how your contribution is genuinely making ours a better community.)

Please send your Tax-Deductible contribution to:

HOPE, P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, Ca 93921. 

HOPE is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 Public Interest Non-Profit

or you may use PayPal right now --

You can also

For further information about making tax-deductible contributions to HOPE

please phone us at 831-624-6500.

Thank you, 
David Dilworth, Executive Director

HOPE is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 Public Interest Non-Profit

This makes your contributions Tax Deductible

We Urgently Need Office Equipment Donated

and You Get a Tax Deduction.

(We can send someone to pick them up.)

  • Truck, Van or Car - (urgent & very important!) for transporting Materials and Equipment to Public Presentations
  • Display Projector - for making Public Education Presentations
  • Laptop Computer - So we can show Powerpoint presentations at governmental meetings and other public meetings. (Urgent)

An older, slow laptop is just fine.

  • PhotoCopier Canon, Sharp, Savin, or Minolta are good. (We can send someone to pick it up.)
  • (Donated- Thank you!) Fax Machine (with manual) 
  • Fax Software for a PC (Win Fax Pro is good) 
  • (Donated- Thank you!) Digital Camera - So we can get images to you, the media and enforcement agencies immediately. 
  • Telephone Headset - to reduce neck strain (Plantronics) 
  • Books: Environmental Science or Law, or Stories (such as Dr. Suess' "The Lorax"); 
  • Law books on Public Interest (especially about Open Meetings laws (Brown Act), or Public Records laws)
  • Books: Monterey area governmental Reports: General Plans, Transportation Plans, EIRs, EISs etc.
  • Art: Paintings, Sculpture, Performances, for Fund raising 
  • Books on any subject: for Fund raising


  • Please Consider adding HOPE in your Will or Trust - your donation can continue to protect our Peninsula for decades and centuries.

HOPE is an IRS recognized 501(c)3

You may call us (831/624-6500) 

or send these highly appreciated 

Tax-Deductible Donations to

HOPE at P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921

Feedback - Info(at) 

831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921


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