HOPE Helping Our Peninsula's Environment
Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921                     Info(at)1hope.org 
831/624-6500                                                                   www.1hope.org

Water District Board Thursday, May 2, 2002

Re: Pebble Beach Company (PBC) Water Scheme

Dear Directors,

Because of Sunday's editorial on this subject we would like to clear a few things up.


The Pebble Beach Company 360 acre foot Water "Entitlement" was created from thin air.

There is no dispute that all water rights must be adjudicated by the State Water Board and that the PBC-Water District Water "Entitlement" was never adjudicated.

This means the Water District gave away water rights to PBC that it didn't own.

PBC must recognize they do not own valid rights to 360 acre feet of water.


Why should peninsula residents have to build and pay for a $21 million dollar treatment plant so the golf course greens can glow even greener? Especially when two thirds of the recycled water doesn't need extra treatment.

That's Pebble Beach Company's responsibility.

Pebble Beach Company has two alternative options:

We strongly suggest Pebble Beach Company must - WATER CONSERVATION IGNORED

What water conservation methods are all PBC's golf courses using?

All these methods significantly reduce water use according to the US Golf Association.

Why do responsible Peninsula resident have to suffer through droughts and rationing while Pebble Beach Company wastes huge amounts of water every day and don't lift a finger to help us? (well perhaps they are raising one finger...)


David Dilworth, Acting Secretary